
Monday, December 29, 2014

Warm & Comforting

I have always enjoyed meatloaf as long as I can remember.  Last night I had the inspiration to make it about 3pm. (Thank goodness I had some ground elk out that had thawed). I thought I would try making it in the crockpot. Perfection!

Crockpot Meatloaf
adapted from:

1 pound ground beef
1 cup pulsed oats
1 egg
1/2 cup dried onions
1/4 cup dried peppers
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup ketchup

Combine meat, oats, eggs, onions and peppers.  Place in a well greased crockpot. Cook on HIGH 2-3 hours (until 160).  Turn temperature to warm if not ready for dinner, right way.  During the last hour of cooking bake your potatoes (I made these ones).

Hasselback potatoes
adapted from:

4 large potatoes, peeled & sliced (about 3/4 way through the short way - they look like accordions)
4 T butter, melted with 2 T bacon grease
salt/pepper/onion powder/garlic powder/cheese slices (little squares)

Preheat oven to 425. Place potatoes on a foil-lined baking sheet (grease it!). Drizzle potatoes with have the butter mixture (making sure to get in all the little folds). Bake for 30minutes. Drizzle with remaining butter mixture , then sprinkle with spices. Return to oven for another 25minutes. Place cheese slices between each fold. Bake an additional 5minutes (until melted and bubbly). Sprinkle with fresh Parmesan if desired.

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